Friday, August 31, 2012

Part-Time Principles: The Moralaity of Stem Cell research and the Bush administration

George W. Bush says he believes in up-or-down votes. He proclaimed it shortly after his first inaugural, and included that trust in his 2005 State of the Union address, when he demanded that "every judicial nominee deserves an up-or-down vote."

A one-vote majority, says the President, should determine nominations and issues. He constantly talked about up-or-down votes in the Senate for the nomination of John Bolton as ambassador to the U.N., for bills to ban gay marriages, to make it illegal to burn the flag, and almost every bill his administration proposed. His words were echoed by the Congressional leadership and by the evangelical underlying Christian base.

He disagrees with Senate rules, which need 60 votes to override a filibuster. The suspect President Bush believes in the "up-or-down" law of governance is because for most of his administration he has had a Republican Congress willing to do anything it takes to advance a neoconservative political and group agenda.

Since President Bush believes in one-vote majorities, it shouldn't have been a qoute for him to accept a 238-194 vote in the House and a 63-37 vote in the Senate to allow medical researchers to use stem cells from embryos, with their donors' consent, that would have been discarded by fertility clinics. About 400,000 icy embryos are in clinics; a few will be "adopted" by mothers who have them implanted in their uteruses; most embryos will be thrown away.

Embryonic stem cells are the basic building blocks of life, cells that will make into any cell in the body, and are the key to learning more about life itself. Stem cell study could lead to cures for Parkinson's Disease, diabetes, numerous cancers, spinal cord injuries, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. Nancy Reagan, whose husband's last years were spent in the fog of Alzheimer's, is a strong proponent of stem cell research.

Almost seven months after his first inauguration, President Bush declared that the federal government would fund study only on stem cell lines that had already been developed, and not for any new ones. He equated the medical use of stem cells with murder, and threatened to veto any new legislation to advance stem cell research. His veto threats had worked on 141 other bills over a five and a half year period, as the Republican-controlled Congress meekly revised bills or eliminated them.

This time, Congress--faced by the political reality that about 70 percent of Americans supported wide stem cell research--didn't buckle. Fifty House Republicans broke from the White House legislative controls; in the Senate, nineteen Republicans and all but one Democrat voted for the bill. The President renewed his veto threat.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Calif.) had asked the President, "not to make the first veto of your presidency one that turns America backward on the party of scientific advance and limits the promise of medical miracles for generations to come." Bill Frist--heart surgeon, Senate majority leader, and one of the most active voices in pushing the Bush-Cheney agenda--also opposed the veto. "Given the potential of this study and the limitations of the existing lines eligible for federally funded research, I think supplementary lines should be made available," Dr. Frist said.

But the president did veto the bill, and neither the House nor the Senate had the two-thirds vote vital to override the veto. The President's veto, said Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) is a "shameful display of cruelty, hypocrisy, and ignorance." Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) said he plan the President was "captured by his own ideology and taking his ideology to an extreme." Research, said Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) "will now continue in the underground sector with insufficient funding and a lack of government oversight, all while millions of citizen wait for cures to devastating diseases.

President Bush said in April 2002, "We have a moral imperative to protect the sanctity of life," and continued to throw "sanctity of life" in almost every speech or annotation about stem cell research. At the time he explained his veto, he declared the bill--approved by significantly more than an "up-or-down" vote--"crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect."

If the President assuredly believed in a "moral boundary" and the "sanctity of life," he would not have exploited a combine of dozen "snowflake babies"--children born from implanted embryos--by using them as props in the East Room when he explained why he vetoed the bill.

He would not have lied about the non-existent ties in the middle of Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda or the weapons of mass destruction he claimed were in Iraq in order to begin an invasion that has cost more than 2,500 American lives and caused injuries, many life-threatening, to someone else 18,000, in expanding to 30,000-70,000 civilian deaths. He would not have decided that the Geneva Accords didn't apply to thousands of prisoners that his administration confined in Abu Ghraib, Guantánamo, and other prisons. If he had any kind of a "moral compass," he would have allowed prisoners to have due process, to be treated humanely, and not be subjected to "renditions" the change to underground prisons in countries that use torture.

If this former non-combatant National Guard officer had any concern for humanity, he would not have ordered severe cuts in combat pay and house benefits for active duty military, proposed a .3 billion cut in veterans' benefits, and an increase in health care costs.

If he believed in a moral administration, he would not have allowed Halliburton, the financial empire once run by Dick Cheney, to continue to get some multi-million dollar no-bid contracts in New Orleans and Iraq after being exposed for price gouging and fraudulent business practices.

If George W. Bush understood the meaning of the "sanctity of life," he would not have spent some minutes at a photo-op in Florida where he read "My Pet Goat" to children after being notified that the first plane had hit the Twin Towers. He would not have been embarrassingly slow and seemingly unconcerned to respond following the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake/tsunami in Southeast Asia, or after Hurricane Katrina hit America's Gulf Coast.

He would not have disregarded the ubiquitous warnings from the scientific society about global warming and the multitudinous pleas to keep and defend the environment. He would not have settled political cronies into senior executive positions in the Federal emergency administration Agency, and then cut that agency's funding for disaster response. He would not have diverted funds for disaster relief, and cut back on health and welfare needs.

If he believed in "morals," he would have cut all ties with his good buddy, "Kenny Boy" Lay, whose business cheated thousands of employees out of their pensions, while the executives were living in luxury.

If the President of the United States was concerned about "morals" and the "sanctity of life," he would have condemned hunting and the gun lobby that was one of the customary contributors to his political campaigns. He would have condemned the spurious and vicious attacks upon Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in the 2000 customary contest, and the Swift Boat attacks upon Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in the 2004 general election.

There is a lot that the President of the United States could do to prove he is a moral leader, one who believes in the sanctity of life. But, his record, not his rhetoric, shows otherwise.

made my day Part-Time Principles: The Moralaity of Stem Cell research and the Bush administration made my day

Maintaining permissible employee Files

Paperwork may be one of the most dreaded words in the working world, at least for the person(s) who have to manage that task. Knowing the importance of developing a good law may diminish the feeling of dread that many connect with paperwork. Taking the time to thoughtfully generate and then avow permissible laborer files will definitely pay off in the big picture. In increasing to having all laborer associated documents centrally settled they will also be more effortlessly ready when needed, and trust us, they will be needed at some point. Data contained in laborer files are needed for many decisions such as awarding merit based pay increases, promotions, layoff decisions and terminations. This brings us to the inquire of: what should and should not be kept in an laborer file? The talk is most, but not all, important job-related documents should be settled in an laborer file. There are some items that should be retained separately and should only be ready on a need to know basis. Below is some guidance on how differentiate what should be included.

The General/Main Personnel files should contain items such as:

New Hire Documents: Application for Employment, Offer Letter, Direct Deposit information, state & federal tax withholding forms, Employment Agreement/Contract and any other company exact new hire paperwork
Performance Documents: execution reviews, disciplinary notes/memos, laborer counseling forms, execution improvement plans, wages increases and employment divorce information
Policy/Procedure Acknowledgements: laborer Handbook Acknowledgement, Arbitration Agreements, acknowledgement of company/department policies not included in the laborer handbook, and records of training
Additional Items: Personal Data Changes, attendance Records, Mandatory Licenses, urgency experience Information

There are a amount of items that should be kept detach from the General/Main file for a amount of reasons. Privacy is the main presuppose for this Data to be separated from the rest of the laborer file and this singular Data should strictly be on a need to know basis. The items that should be maintained independently are outlined below:

Voluntary Affirmative activity Form: This forms contains Data with regard to the ethnicity, disabled and veteran status of applicants. This Data cannot be used in production employment decisions and the applicant/employee may prefer to keep this Data as incommunicable as possible.
Medical Information: This Data can come in many forms and should be kept as confidential as possible. If you have a disabled laborer this Data is required to be kept in a detach file, and this is the best practice for all employees. Medical Data includes the following items; house Medical Leave ask forms & associated paperwork, return to work releases, Data about disabilities requiring chamber under the Americans with Disabilities Act (Ada), records that describe in any way to an employee's Medical history, advantage Enrollment Forms that may contain Medical Data on the laborer or their dependants and Workers compensation Claims & associated documents
I-9 Form: This form is required for all new employees and verifies the laborer is legally authorized to work in the United States. The government is entitled to audit and observe these forms. If audited you want to furnish the auditors the Data they need and no more. If you hand over an entire laborer file the auditor has the right to describe all things in the file, this throws the employees privacy out the window and could also open the door to additional questions and investigations.
Miscellaneous Information: anyone that does not directly describe to an employee's job execution or qualifications should not be included, such as; unsubstantiated comments or criticisms (Michele seems tired since becoming a mother) to comments associated to an employee's incommunicable life or any area that is protected such as their religion, political beliefs, ethnicity, etc.

It is important to remember that in many states, such as California, employees have the right to describe their laborer files and the last thing you want is a random document you didn't need in the file to come back and haunt you. A good rule to result is: If you don't want a judge or jury to see it, don't put it in the laborer file.

sources tell me Maintaining permissible employee Files sources tell me

U.S. Gov't - Architects Of Hedge Funds Cause Collapse Of America's Real Estate cheaper

Veterans Benefits - U.S. Gov't - Architects Of Hedge Funds Cause Collapse Of America's Real Estate cheaper The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination U.S. Gov't - Architects Of Hedge Funds Cause Collapse Of America's Real Estate cheaper. And the content related to Veterans Benefits.

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Veterans Benefits! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Subprime Crisis? Heavens no, this is a complete collapse of the national real estate firm sector of the U.S. Economy, with the mortgage companies and the federal government right at the heart of the matter. The effects of the national real estate firm firm breakdown with the subprime debacle well underway can be felt throughout every economic sector, together with Wall Street.

What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Veterans Benefits. You look at this article for information on that wish to know is Veterans Benefits.

How is U.S. Gov't - Architects Of Hedge Funds Cause Collapse Of America's Real Estate cheaper

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Benefits.

Of course, there are still those on Wall road profiteering on the broken back of the real estate firm economy. These investors originated, and still draw huge amounts of interest on "interest only" loans, and are the beneficiaries of the federal government's deliberately slow actions to remedy this fundamentally straightforward matter.

For most Americans, the most principal form of wealth we have is in the equity in our homes. Americans are losing their real estate endowments, and the ensue of a broken real estate firm sector has brought the normal economy to its knees. The masses are feeling it while the rich get richer. That's right, the guys still making money off of these high interest loan products make the headlines saying, "Just let time fix it". You didn't think they were out of the game did you? Who do you think these "interest only" loan payments continue to be paid to? The longer this thing takes to get fixed, the longer they will continue to draw huge dividends on their "interest only" loan products that by institute were never intended to be paid back as no money ever goes toward principal. Strong lobby money representing those interests is slowing down the process in Washington where debts take time to repay, with a nod and a wink.

I released an description last month portraying the number of incidences of loans in default as a small fraction of the number of loans overall, a number which is steadily climbing. Nevertheless, retention those numbers in perspective, that still leaves, by some estimates, 1.1 million Americans losing their residential properties over the next 6 years.

Yes, this is a straightforward matter and it can be fixed with cash money, go figure. Let's put the numbers of dollars to fix this question into perspective in a fashion to which we've all grown accustomed; comparing it to the money we spend on the vocation of Iraq. To continue our soldiery vocation in Iraq the U.S. Taxpayers pay: 0 million every day; .4 billion per month; a total of 0 billion spent and popular ,favorite War-spending; someone else 0 billion requested for 2008 which would bring the cumulative total to 0 billion. There have been billion mismanaged and wasted in Iraq per Feb 2007 hearings. There have been .4 billion Halliburton overcharges classified by the Pentagon as "unreasonable and unsupported". 20 billion was paid to former Halliburton division, Kbr for food, fuel, housing, and other items. Pentagon auditors deem that .2 billion of that is "questionable and unsupportable". Some figures predict the cost of the Iraq war topping out at over trillion.

Just a small fraction of the capital Halliburton defrauded U.S. Taxpayers out of alone would fix our mortgage crisis, would mend the broken real estate firm sector of our economy, and would have a certain ensue on the extensive economy that would far exceed any number of money we put back into fixing the system. So how much money are we talking about? Congressional Democrats led by Charles Schumer (D-Ny) advocate spending just hundreds of millions (less than 1 billion) of dollars into nonprofits to help homeowners and the extensive economy. A spokesman for the senator explains he is not suggesting the government pay off borrower's loans in full, but believes a combination of counseling and restructuring of the loans would bring down the costs of the agenda dramatically. Even if we paid all the loans in full it would be a pittance in discrepancy to the extensive federal budget, let alone the Iraq war funds (if you can call Washington's fiscal policies budgeting). Further, we can spread the cash outlay to fix the question over a duration of 6 years, agreeing to the rate schedules of the remaining loans in question.

Such a partial bailout is estimated to cost no more than a few hundred million dollars. Collate that to the .4 billion we spend every month bringing "Democracy" to Iraq with combat airplanes, helicopters, missiles, tanks, and troops. Even if we bail out everyone with a bad loan, what are we talking about in U.S. Dollars...a month or two of what we spend rebuilding the Iraq we so surgically blew up? The top runners of the presidential race spill that much in a single weekend at their white tablecloth fundraisers! Appropriation of a relatively small number of funds would pull our economy out of the tailspin we currently find ourselves in! But who's suffering...lower middle class, not the rich. The Bush Whitehouse neoconservatives were just this week exposed in lies and manipulation of brain data with regard to Iran as a nuclear threat. This exposure shamelessly still has not thwarted Bush's rhetoric to invade Iran and threats of World War Iii as he continues to terrorize citizens abroad and here in America. We had great just save our hard earned tax dollars to fight someone else war on terror in Iran and forget allocating any funds to fix the U.S. economy which is, after all, only hurting the peasants. The war profiteers belong to the class of the super rich. George Bush should be impeached while he and his closest advisors, together with Dick Cheney, should all be formally brought up on charges of international war crimes.

We have seen any number of articles written voicing the opinion, "Why should we pay our tax dollars to bail out some idiot that was just too slow-witted to know what he was signing," or invoking such profound truths as, "It's just a bunch of greedy investors anyway, they knew what they were doing." perhaps those are fair characterizations in some instances, but who pays? We all do. Worse yet, this type of reaction is exactly what the profiteers of this debacle want to continue to hear, so the process remains stalled by the indecision and lack of base platform by constituents. Profiteers continue to earn big returns on the money already loaned that is not yet in default. This has all been calculated to a "T" and has been executed as planned. everyone at the top, the architects of the hedge funds, knew this was not designed to last! These were all interest only loans, which by design, were never intended to be paid back, as nothing is paid to principal.

Most folks who have fallen prey were not slow-witted at all, but were just trying to derive their family's hereafter in real estate holdings. Mortgage brokers promised consumers that they could re-finance out of their nasty limited adjustable rate 2nds or Helocs in 6 months to 2 years depending on the loan program, pre-payment penalties, etc. No layperson could predict the market falling so far so fast. Refinancing out of these undesirable loan conditions quickly became a lost choice as so many homes declined in value to far less than originally loaned on them. This has caught far too many people off guard, together with seasoned investors and real estate brokers, to write this off as some folks being careless or stupid. It is a more sophisticated question than that. There are folks that not only imaginable this, but calculated exactly what has transpired and are the beneficiaries thus: the major interests in and architects of the hedge funds that back these securities and continue to prosper from grotesque interest rates on "interest only" loans. Understand that they don't want legislation passed that keeps them from being able to fee insane amounts of interest as these "interest only" loans mature and reset.

You, the median homeowner pay the price, as do innocent individuals and families just trying to truly buy their own 'piece of the rock'. We are All losing equity in our homes, (whether you have a mortgage or not), at an alarming rate as property values over the nation continue to decline due to the huge surplus of homes for sale. Some markets are declining much faster than others and we're talking about principal amounts of depreciation from every homeowner in some metropolitan areas in Arizona, Nevada, California, and Florida, to name a few. As more and more loans go into default, more and more properties go on the market in the form of short sales and foreclosures at well under market value. Expanding numbers of properties hit the market, putting ever more pressure on existing inventories, and dragging prices down further. We are getting to where we have so many short sales and foreclosures on the market that "under market" is the new norm. Our conventional methods for determining current market value and sales price now take into the effective median the rising numbers of homes with prices slashed.

Buyers, seeing the declining market values don't want to catch a falling knife. Folks who want to buy are waiting until they see evidence of the "bottom" of the market. They won't perceive any indication of the "bottom" as meaningful unless they see property values hold steady then raise again. This will not happen as long as more defaults, resulting in short sales and foreclosures, continue to flood the market day after day, week after week, and month after month. Consumers keep asking, as do Realtors®, "when are we going to see the lowest of this market?" The write back is so straightforward even a cave man can do it; When We Stop The Cycle!!!

Why then, if it is such a straightforward fix, are we not already on our way to enjoying the recovery as a ensue of taking these straightforward steps. The answer: Greed, and the power of lobbying money on capital hill have the process locked up and bogged down in red tape. Interest is earned over time, and with interest rates already in place for those making money from these "interest only" loans, they want more time to keep lining their pockets. This expresses one of the most often used relations in Algebra: principal x Rate x Time = Interest Earned. Time is on their side; the super rich who invested in the hedge funds that back the mortgage securities we know as subprime loans. They are getting the time they want because this Republican Whitehouse favors big business, big money, and big campaign lobbyist contributors, well represented in this group. Government is dragging their feet in spending the money to fix the question at the delight of these predators.

So, folks, protect your equity, protect your interest in your own real estate holdings, protect your children's chances of profitable real estate holdings in America, and sense the congresspersons and senators whom preside over your districts. Give a certain voice to the funds to fix this problem. It will pay back huge dividends to our economy as a whole as we recover and stop the downward fall of the equity in our own homes.

This type of government subsidized economic recovery would not be without precedent. Reconsider the Savings and Loan emergency of the 1980's, where the government bailed out S&L's to the tune of 150 billion 1980's dollars. We can fix our subprime emergency today for a fraction of that amount.

Currently on the hill, there is proposed legislation to enforce new limits on the adjustable rate mortgages scheduled to reset. Congress has been, and is trying to pass legislation to put a freeze on interest rates. These are band-aids for a bullet wound. Let your voice be heard. Put some pressure on politicians to get this subprime debacle resolved with swift and certain action! It is a straightforward matter, and the beneficiaries of this thing dragging out are the very entities who caused it in the first place. Together let's end it, now!

Do you want to play hardball? All right, then let's Reconsider that the federal government does not want the median American to gain dramatically in personal wealth. Why would that be? Glad you asked. Since the years of Reaganomics and theories of a "trickle down" economy, (always reminds me of being pissed on), and deregulation, our country has moved ever more from the worlds' shining example of Democracy to a text book example of a Republic aristocracy with the town of Power no longer held by the masses, the base man. The Power town is now with the elite, the upper class, the super rich, the multi-billion dollar corporate entities, the Texas based oil brokerage firms that ultimately decree tax code, foreign policy, federal funds allocations, and the decision to go to war, with whom and when, and whom have the power and affect to throw elections.

It does not serve the rich constituents of this elitist government entity strangling America to allow its citizens to amass wealth. No, my friends, that would pull too much of the Power back towards the center. Think Washington doesn't give any understanding to that dynamic? Of policy they do. Washington is so paranoid of the power of its citizens that they are breaking constitutional laws or re-writing the constitution as they see fit to ensure "Control", threatening our basic civil liberties in the process. That's right, even firefighters, (who can commonly in the policy of their duties gain access into people's homes without a quest warrant), are now being trained to look for any signs that a people might not agree somehow with government policies and might thus be considered a threat to the government or even a terrorist. What a lot of bullocks. I'm a veteran of the U.S. Navy, whose job was gathering and disseminating intelligence, and have stood for protecting and honoring our nation.

Now, it's certain I don't agree with government policies. They would now view me as a threat! Sounds more like a Republic regime than a Democracy. Sounds a lot like World War Ii Germany doesn't it? Well, that's America today, as we know it. Are you more comfortable with your head in the sand? That's ok, go back to sleep, this description is about over. Germany went from a Nation of knowing to a nation of believing. Are we following in their footsteps as foolhardy, good-willed, ignorant patriots? Too often, we blindly believe the lies told by the President and his government instead of curious others and ourselves with the truth. I remember as a child studying of the atrocities in Germany under Hitler and asking, "How could all those people let this happen?" and "how could all those people have been fooled by their government?" In the words of Bob Dylan; "Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a limited and they throw you in jail; steal a lot and they make you king." This country has been preying on the good will of its unsuspecting citizens and it will be our undoing if we don't wake up.

Many Americans were making big money during the real estate boom, in large part due to the ease with which funds were ready to derive customary and speculation real estate. So many of us bought in to it, and for most, it has only benefited the lending institutions. Once the real estate speculation game became profitable for the base citizen, it would self-destruct right before our eyes. The timing was calculated, planned, and the agenda executed by millions of exuberant homeowners and first-time real estate investors, not suspecting the falling axe. But those in the know, the architects of the hedge funds, knew exactly what would transpire. They didn't bet their billions on a hunch! Oh no, they calculated every phase of the process and watched it deliver dividends.

Let me offer this challenge to other Real Estate Brokerage firms, Mortgage Brokerage Firms, Banks, and Title Companies: Equity Alliance Properties will pledge ,000,000 of every ,000,000 it brings in net income towards any agenda signed into law organizing such underground funding. Let's take back control of the real estate firm sector for the greater good of the American homeowner!

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The lasting Effects the troops Can Have on Our troops

No.1 Article of Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

The Media has painted a vivid photo about the horrors of War and the emotional, mental, and bodily toll it takes on our troops. Our military have suffered fatal injuries, they have lost limbs and their lives, ever those who make it out without a scratch may suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Unfortunately the War for our soldiers doesn't always end when they are fulfilled, "serving their time."

The possibility of being killed, seriously injured, or mentally scarred is no hidden to those who are finding to join one of America's military branches. However, there was a hidden killer that unknowingly lurked in the shadows of soldiers, especially those in the Navy from the 1930s through the 1970s. That killer was Mesothelioma, an incurable cancer caused by Asbestos.

Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

Anyone who had served in the Navy while the 1930s through the 1970s may have most likely been exposed to asbestos. To get a greater idea about how rampart asbestos was used in the Military, those who worked and lived on ships may have been exposed to asbestos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Asbestos had been used in the boiler, engine, navigation, and fire rooms of ships, along with products containing asbestos such as boilers, insulations, valves, generators, and turbines. Ordinarily the argument for the high use of asbestos on Navy ships was due to the heat resistance and fireproofing capability of asbestos. Asbestos was also used on U.S. Air Force military aircraft.

The lasting Effects the troops Can Have on Our troops

The side-effects of such rampart asbestos usage has lead to previous military members accounting for up to 30 percent of malignant mesothelioma cases in the United States. One very foremost thing to remember, those who may have been exposed in the late 1960s and early 1970s to asbestos, may still fall inside the typical 30-40 year latency period of mesothelioma and have no symptoms of the disease, but still might make the incurable cancer.

Fortunately for those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma can seek out benefits from the U.S. Agency of Veteran Affairs, which can help aid veterans who can supply proof that they developed mesothelioma as a direct effect of asbestos exposure while in the military. In the event that man is diagnosed with mesothelioma it is foremost to contact a lawyer who can help aid you with any legal issues that may arise when providing proof that military asbestos exposure was the direct effect of their mesothelioma.

he said The lasting Effects the troops Can Have on Our troops

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Occupational Therapy tour Jobs: A Rewarding work Awaits You

No.1 Article of Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

Occupational therapy voyage jobs are great jobs to have if you're interested in helping citizen live best lives. The idea behind these jobs is to give assistance to citizen who have physical, reasoning or emotional disorders and to help them obtain or mouth a healthy, normal lifestyle. For example, an occupational therapist may help a war veteran who just returned from Iraq and who suffers from Ptsd (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) to integrate back into being a functioning member of society. They may also aid citizen who just had major surgeries obtain the as much use as potential of that part of their body, most notably, hip replacements, shoulder surgeries, knee surgeries and more.

One of the main benefits of occupational therapy voyage jobs is that they get to do all of the same jobs that a regular occupational therapist gets to do, but they go to other places to do the jobs as well. They are also often reimbursed for their traveling, food and lodging, or those things will be taken care of prior to the therapist embarking on the journey in the first place. Not only do they get paid to do their regular jobs, they don't lose money by having to travel, and they sometimes even get paid bonuses depending on where they voyage to and how long they must remain there.

Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

Occupational therapists of all kinds specialize in helping citizen with bodily problems heal and obtain range of request for retrial in any limbs or extremities. Someone else vital function of occupational therapists is to help children with reasoning disabilities perform best in school. No matter what type of need the occupational therapist is helping with, they are performing very leading jobs. Those who do some traveling get the added bonuses of getting to do some sight-seeing after their work is done and maybe also getting extra money for the singular job they are currently working on.

Occupational Therapy tour Jobs: A Rewarding work Awaits You

Most citizen who work a lot of hours have a hard time finding empty parts of their schedules to go on trips. If you can get into occupational therapy voyage jobs, you could enjoy some voyage time while getting paid to do it. You won't have time for full-fledged vacations, but you will be able to see at least a few things anywhere you go, once your work is done.

The best part about traveling occupational therapy jobs is that you get out of the normal routines of office work. citizen usually enjoy their jobs a lot more if they aren't stuck in the same monotonous agenda day after day. Becoming a traveling occupational therapist will help to forestall the boredom that sucks the fun out of even the best jobs from sinking in.

Occupational therapy traveling jobs offer citizen unique opportunities to help people, make a unlikeness and enjoy some free travel. Much of the voyage is also paid bonuses. The unlikeness between an ordinary therapist and a traveling therapist is a world of traveling opportunities to relax and learn from.

basics Occupational Therapy tour Jobs: A Rewarding work Awaits You

Therapy Dogs - The Basics

--Disabled Veterans Benefits of Therapy Dogs - The Basics--

learn more here Therapy Dogs - The Basics

Perhaps you've read newspaper articles or seen "human interest" stories on the news about rescued track greyhounds visiting nursing home residents, or libraries and elementary school using dogs as reading partners. Therapy dogs (and other animals too) have been nearby for a while and the programs seem to be both favorite and successful.

Therapy Dogs - The Basics

The Benefits
If you are wondering why hospitals or nursing homes allow dogs to interact with patients, or how a dog's proximity could possibly make a dissimilarity to an emergent reader's confidence, you might not find scientific proof or hard evidence of the inescapable impact these dogs have on the habitancy they interact with. What you will find, though, is myriad anecdotes and some studies indicating that petting a dog can lower blood pressure or increase motivation to do difficult tasks.

For a stroke victim, for example, speaking or working on bodily therapy tasks might be difficult or exhausting. With a dog present, sometimes these patients are able to make more progress. Hesitant new readers often struggle with reading out loud for fear of making mistakes. This is especially true of adults who are just learning to read. Reading to a dog can be a key intervention, helping the newly literate person to practice with a supportive and nonjudgmental audience. For a combat veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd), petting a dog can be a key emotional connection. Many habitancy who have lost faith or the capability to trust find that petting a dog can help them accumulate a sense of themselves as something other than ill, or victimized. These benefits, while tricky to part or quantify are nonetheless profound.

A Key Distinction
Therapy dogs are dogs who visit habitancy in hospitals, nursing homes, resumption centers, schools, prisons, etc. The purpose of their visit is to be supportive, but the dogs basically are just there to be petted and to interact with the patients or prisoners. Aid dogs, such as looking Eye dogs, are specially trained and beyond doubt perform leading functions for their person. Aid dogs are used for habitancy with a great many bodily and reasoning disabilities, and can be trained to sustain their habitancy in amazingly involved ways, such as waking up a person with Ptsd if they show signs of having a nightmare. Therapy dogs, while they do provide great comfort and solace, do not beyond doubt have any role other than to be petted and present. In the instance of using therapy dogs in prison, offering prisoners something other than the violence that brought them to prison in the first place to focus on, resumption is more likely a scenario. Caring for a dog in prison has shown a lower recidivism rate than in prisons that don't "employ" the use of dogs.

Some Choices
There are a number of distinct organizations that guarantee dogs (and sometimes other animals) as therapy dogs. Therapy Dogs International (Tdi) and the Delta community are two customary groups that offer this certification. The Tdi certification involves a two-part assessment in which the dog first earns his/her Akc Canine Good Citizenship certification and then is tested for tolerating situations specific to the therapy environment, such as being exposed to unpredictable and loud people, being poked or startled, and being briefly separated from their owner. Evaluations are offered at discrete locations throughout the year, and any breed or mix may seek to be evaluated. The dogs have to be at least one year old and pass the temperament evaluation.

The Delta community certifies pet owners to come to be Pet Partners. There are a few rules or prerequisites to becoming a Pet Partner team with your dog. The Delta community will not guarantee a dog who is fed a raw food diet. Dogs must be at least one year old, and the handler must be at least 10 years old if a parent or guardian is involved, and 16 year old if not. Any dog with a bite history or a dog that has killed someone else animal may not come to be certified, and exotic species (e.g. Wolf hybrids) will not be carefully for the program. The Delta community does allow "pocket pets" such as guinea pigs or hamsters to participate: they must be at least 6 months old, and all animals must have veterinary clearance that is reviewed and updated on a every year basis.

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Concurrent relinquishment and Disability Pay

No.1 Article of Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

Concurrent resignation and Disability Pay (Crdp) is a phased-in reinstatement of the retired pay deducted from troops retiree's accounts due to their receiving of division of veterans Affairs (Dva) compensation, showing on their Retiree inventory Statements as the "Va waiver". The phased-in recovery started January 1, 2004 with the initial payments dated February 2, 1004.

A man is distinguished for the Concurrent resignation and Disability Pay if they have a Dva-rated, service-connected disability of fifty percent or higher, except if they are a disability retiree with less than twenty years of assistance or a retiree who combined the troops time and civil assistance time to meet the criteria for a civil assistance retirement. If they have combined the troops time and civil assistance time in order to heighten their civil assistance resignation from Opm, then they are eligible for the Concurrent resignation and Disability Pay payments, but they will have to replace their retired pay by coordinating with Opm. If one becomes eligible for Crdp, their payments will start automatically.

Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

Payments from the Concurrent resignation and Disability pay are delivered through direct deposits or mailed-based on their current retired pay information. The payments will reflect as a decrease in the Va waiver deduction on their retiree inventory Statement, but they will voice to be given the same amount from the Dva.

Concurrent relinquishment and Disability Pay

The Concurrent resignation and Disability Pay payments are chargeable according to their current retired pay federal wage tax Withholding (Fitw) tax rate and may have an follow on the amount they wish to have deducted for State wage tax Withholding (Sitw).

The payments are also branch to variety actions for child support, community property, government debt, alimony, and garnishment. The Concurrent resignation and Disability Pay cost rates are as follows: (computation begins with the "table rates")

-If rated unemployable 0.00

-If rated at 100% 0.00

-If rated at 90% 0.00

-If rated at 80% 0.00

-If rated at 70% 0.00

-If rated at 60% 5.00

-If rated at 50% 0.00

The total computed Crdp amounts based on the rates will increase each year until January 2014 when they will be receiving their full retired pay entitlement and their Dva disability payment with no reduction. Unlike Retired Pay Cost-of-Living Allowances (Colas), The Concurrent resignation and Disability Pay increases will be effective on the 1st of January every year, to be paid on the first company day of February. In addition, since retired gross pay, Dva compensation, and consequently Va waiver amounts, increase very year with Colas, they will not be able to surely extrapolate Crdp amounts for upcoming years.

Crdp amounts will automatically decrease or increase based on the division of disability accounted to the Defense Finance and Accounting assistance (Dfas) by the Dva. Just remember that the monthly Crdp amounts cannot go beyond the lesser of your monthly gross linked pay or Va waiver amount.

learn more here Concurrent relinquishment and Disability Pay

Eight Basic Office Requirements

Veterans Benefits Network - Eight Basic Office Requirements The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Eight Basic Office Requirements. And the content associated with Veterans Benefits Network.

Do you know about - Eight Basic Office Requirements

Veterans Benefits Network! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Your business is a success, and you cannot keep up with the work unless you hire at least two more employees. You have probably been very busy and focused on beginning up and growing the business. You may not be ready to be your company's human resource manager. The following are a few suggestions that can help you be prepared:

What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Veterans Benefits Network. You check this out article for information on a person wish to know is Veterans Benefits Network.

How is Eight Basic Office Requirements

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Benefits Network.

All prospective employees must fill out an Employment Application that includes basic facts such as name, address, phone number, public security number, citizenship, past job history, job titles, key responsibilities, salary history, reasons for leaving the old positions, and education through high school, college, post graduate work, and any special schooling. The application must comprise a paragraph that states that all statements made by the applicant are true and that the application
does not constitute a ageement in the middle of the applicant and the company. Lastly, the applicant should sign and date the application.

Each applicant should sign a release form that allows you to touch his or her references and old employers, and the release should state that the applicant will not start any legal performance about any facts you fetch while checking references. Checks. Mail or fax a copy of the release to any references or old employers, and they will be more likely to give you unblemished and strict information.

Before you hire any new employees, write an laborer handbook that includes facts on retirement or pension accounts, assurance benefits, vacation and sick leave days, holiday schedule, operation reviews and pay increases, office show the way and dress code, personal use of email, fax, or other office equipment, and termination procedures. Place a copy of the handbook in a central location and give person the accountability of making sure it stays there and is updated whenever necessary.

Your state probably requires you to carry Worker's payment assurance for employees that are injured on the job. Most states have an group that regulates Worker's Compensation, and in my state it is called the market Commission. Check with you state to find out the requirements and ask for suggestions for an assurance carrier.

Set up a course for each new laborer and the date on which all elements of the course should be completed. For the most part, new employees should unblemished all of the following paperwork on the first day:

>> Have employees read and sign a receipt indicating that they have read the handbook.

>> Each laborer must unblemished the Irs W-4 Form used to determine tax withholding.

>> Employees should sign up for any benefit programs and supply all requisite facts in order to share in insurance, retirement, or pension plans.

>> Each new laborer should sign an trade stipulating that all proprietary facts will remain confidential and that the business owns all inventions or new processes created by the laborer while employed by the company.

>> Employees should unblemished a personal facts form that includes their address, phone
numbers, names of immediate family, public security number, and urgency contacts' name, phone numbers, and address.

There are also sure posters that must be displayed in a central, foremost location:

>> The poster describing the terms of the minimum wages required by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

>> The poster describing the provisions of the family and medical Leave Act.

>> The Osha (Occupational security and condition administration poster that explains how workers may file a complaint, record an emergency, or seek Osha advice.

>> The Equal Employment chance Act poster that provides facts about the laws and procedures for filing complaints of violations of the laws with the Office of Federal ageement compliance Programs (Ofccp).

>> The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment proprietary Act poster that strengthens veterans' reemployment rights.

This list will give you a start, but it is not intended to be all inclusive. It is strongly recommended that you recite employment laws with your attorney. You can also find good advice on the internet and in libraries.

Jo Ann Joy, Esq., Mba, Ceo
Copyright 2006 Indigo business Solutions. All proprietary reserved.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Kids Computer Training - Basic Introduction

Veterans Benefits Network - Kids Computer Training - Basic Introduction The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Kids Computer Training - Basic Introduction. And the content related to Veterans Benefits Network.

Do you know about - Kids Computer Training - Basic Introduction

Veterans Benefits Network! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Teaching Computer Skills To Toddlers? Is It Possible?

What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Veterans Benefits Network. You see this article for facts about a person need to know is Veterans Benefits Network.

How is Kids Computer Training - Basic Introduction

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Benefits Network.

Kids Computer Training - Basic Introduction

Having a kid is one thing, and wanting that child to have the knowledge to compete with the "computer world of today is another. I decided to start a enterprise for kids to get a jump on studying what' is going to be apart of their lives forever. It is in the starting stages but it has been proven to work.

There are computer training programs for children up to age 5 and as early as a toddler. Most citizen agree that children need to learn the computer at the earliest potential age and there are clubs that provide a program that will teach your child how to recognize hardware, how to navigate the mouse and also will teach children some preschool computer terminology.

These programs have been advanced for children to become computer literate in our vast technologies of today. The programs in effect teach your child real computer skills and begin their computer experience. These first programs build trust and love of learning, they give children a solid foundation for a healthy and happy life. Parents therefore should be dedicated to helping their child inspect their unique potential by assisting in giving them that first hands-on contact with a personal computer.

Some first preschool computer programs use inviting characters to help the child retell and have fun studying computer skills. Parents are urged to begin teaching your child all you can concerning the computer as to get a jump-start on our technical day in age.

Children should begin their introduction to computer with a simplified form of the following topics i.e,

1. Identification Of Hardware

Children should be able to recognize the basic computer hardware and perhaps with the aid of an inviting character.

2. Computer Talk

Lessons that will enable children to learn basic computer language and terminology.

3. Questions And Answers

Review of what the child has learned so far by answering True or False and multiple option questions.

When children learn computer for the first time it should be a pleasure for both parents and children which will ensue in established studying that will advantage your child throughout the school years.

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Ambulance, Ems, Fire agency - Paid Vs Volunteer, a Look at Staffing Issues

No.1 Article of Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

"We need to recruit more volunteers". "We need to growth the mandatory estimate of hours to get these shifts covered". "Can man Please cover Friday night"?

Does this sound like your service? Comments like these linger in the hallways and meeting rooms of agencies all across the country until ultimately a lone voice from the back asks, "Should we just hire some paid people?" What was determined a request destined to provoke bitter backlash now is becoming reality.

Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

Regardless of the relative success of the 1,000 Points of Light campaign in the early 90's or the resurgence of patriotism after the events of a fateful day in September, 2001, we have to face facts. In a great majority of fire and Ems agencies across this country the well of volunteerism is drying up.

Ambulance, Ems, Fire agency - Paid Vs Volunteer, a Look at Staffing Issues

Volunteers have long been the backbone of not-for-profit organizations all across the country. From ambulance services and fire departments to youth sports leagues, society sustain groups and even national agencies like the American Red Cross, recruiting and retaining motivated volunteers is a topic of noted importance.

I tell society leaders all across the country that a well-run, company oriented crisis assistance department staffed by as many volunteers as possible is the best business agreement on the planet. There is a slightly separate sense of pride, commitment to giving back to the society and of course, the lower operating costs due to the lack of requisite payroll.

That being said, when the response times, coverage of duty hours, increased belief on the goodwill of mutual aid or the capability of assistance begins to suffer it's time to assist, supplement or disband the agency.

Now that statement I am sure just outraged some readers. That's ok, man has to say it. crisis assistance agencies are entrusted with a special mission, protecting asset and saving lives. When man needs an ambulance or the Fire Department, regardless of where they are in the country, they don't care whether the responder is short, tall, male, female, paid or volunteer. They only want the buyer assistance mission [taking care of their emergency] to be finished in a timely, proficient and professional way. Protecting the sanctity of having a volunteer assistance is not noted to fulfilling the trust that the society places in us. If your department is having issues doing that, fix it.

The growing reality is the demands on duplicate working families, more citizen working out of town and numerous other things impacting our time, many organizations are beginning to 'fix' their problems by integrating paid staff. The goal is to insure coverage during qoute areas in operating schedules, typically during the daytime hours. (6am-6pm).

On the surface, this clarification appears to be the magic bullet for what ails the agency. The truth is that if the integration is not done properly there will be an entirely new set of issues created.

Morale problems, added decreases in volunteer participation, general hard feelings towards the spirit of volunteering, "this is no fun anymore, it's becoming a business"(heard that one lately), a 'them - vs. - us" mind set, as well as a host of other highly emotional issues that can bring an department to its knees. You don't have to go there. And, if you are already there, you can turn things around.

This article will discuss how to successfully merge paid personnel into your assosication while, if you so choose, retaining as many volunteers as possible.

It will also teach you how to Reset the law if it's already in trouble.

We've identified four main reasons why an assosication looks to hire paid staff:

Overall staffing shortages

Due to a lack of participation, attrition, retirement, morale problems or lackluster recruiting campaigns, your department is naturally short of the requisite estimate of trained personnel.

Increasing response times/service failures

Burnout, morale, corporal distance from the building and expanding call volumes all strain the organizations capability to respond. Unmotivated or overburdened personnel move slower when responding to the building. Over time, citizen relocate or build in new developments and now live farther away from the station.

Adding Als personnel

There is a shortage of Als personnel in most areas of the country. Very few Als personnel volunteer in the Als capacity. Fewer volunteers will submit to 1,000+ hours of paramedic training. In order to upgrade the level of service, hiring paid Als staff may be the only way.

Supervision of the service

Paperwork, Osha, Hipaa, Oems, billing all need time. Many agencies look towards hiring a paid supervisor/administrator who can deal with the operations responsibilities as well rehearse half of the crew.

Things to consider Before placing the Help Wanted Ad

Fair Labor Standards Act (Flsa) and Loss of Volunteer Staff

This is governmental legislation originally passed in 1938 and amended in 1985 which provides for fair working conditions for all employees. For our purposes, it basically identifies that an employer must pay an hourly wage that is at least minimum wage and it also prohibits us from volunteering for our 'employer'. This means that any volunteer member that makes the transition to a paid position, even for one shift, is lost to the department as a volunteer for other calls at other times.

This means that if you are not careful, by solving the daytime staffing qoute you may originate a void in other areas since the personnel would be lost as volunteers when their shift was over.

As Attorney Allison Bloom wrote in an article for the Wisconsin Emt Association, "The follow of the Flsa on volunteer Ems is not to be taken lightly. The penalties alone can put just about any assistance out of business".

Make sure that your hiring plan takes into inventory the requisite budget for hourly wages, overtime, if applicable, benefits if you're hiring full time. One of the most coarse problems with hiring paid staff is under estimating the budget.

Full time vs. Per diem vs. Leased employees

Before you hire, organize a staffing plan. This sounds like silly advice but sadly the reality is that most organizations have not identified the hours to be staffed, added them up to nothing else but conclude how many citizen they need to hire.

Do you want the continuity of a few full time employees? This means benefits, supervision, the need to be able to cover vacations and sick time, etc.

How about a large group of per diem staff? Greater flexibility need to purchase more uniforms, no need to provide benefits, less continuity and potentially less loyalty to the shift if overtime came along at their full time job.

A new concept: leasing employees. Actually, the conception is not new, company and other healthcare groups have been using temporary help services for years. A company in Connecticut called Vintech ( ) has done just that. They have created, to this author's knowledge, the first ever temporary help firm specializing in Ems personnel.

Vintech's founder Vinny Wheeler is quick to point out the value of leasing employees. "You can outsource the headaches. Hiring, firing, handling book-offs, paying workers recompense premiums on the paid staff and having a small depth of personnel. You naturally identify the hours to be staffed, the level of certification you want and write the check, we do the rest".

They also are quick to point out the biggest benefit, which might go unnoticed, is that this type of arrangement does not violate Flsa. Your department is able to sustain your volunteers. If members of your staff work for an department like Vintech, while on duty, even in your station, they are the agency's employees. Not yours. This means that when these same citizen are off duty, they can still be your volunteers.

Hiring process

If you pick to hire your own employees, which many organizations do, make sure that you have a reasonably stringent hiring process. Remember you are hiring citizen and creating jobs, make the job one worth having. Candidates should work for them.

We propose a five part process:

1) Application with resume

This allows a recapitulate of applications. All candidates, even internal candidates, apply for these new positions in the same manner. I would propose a member in good standing that applies be granted a 5 point bonus to their score as a gesture of goodwill.

Anyone meeting the written minimum study and certification standards on paper makes it to the next phase.

2) Written Emt or Paramedic exam

A basic knowledge exam consisting of maybe 50 questions. Ask your Ems Coordinator or Regional Training man for help or purchase a test bank and organize a test of your own. identify the minimum passing grade in the written invitation letter. We propose 80% as the passing mark. Those that pass make it to the next phase.

3 & 4) Oral Interview and Practical skills station

Conduct a 20-minute interview with a list of pre-written questions. Use the same list for every candidate. Ask scenario based questions that need longer answers.

Halfway straight through the interview stop, escort the candidate into someone else room and present them with a healing or trauma practical station. Score them with a appropriate estimate sheet. At the conclusion of the practical evolution, escort them back and end the oral interview.

5) Documentation

At the conclusion of the interview hand them a blank run article and ask them to document the care they gave in the practical station.

Rationale for this system:

· The application process weeds out initially unqualified candidates based on certifications and distance of service.

· The test weeds citizen with weaker book knowledge.

· The oral/practical test their capability to communicate, evaluates their medicine skills and also their capability to switch gears.

· The documentation process done this way tests their capability to remember and accurately chart events under stress. When was the last time a run article was done immediately after a call?

I have used this law for years and when the scoring is done, the best, well-rounded candidates have all the time risen to the top.

I was reading this Ambulance, Ems, Fire agency - Paid Vs Volunteer, a Look at Staffing Issues

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pensions Benefits For Veterans

No.1 Article of Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

Long Term Care Planning for Veterans

Finding ways to pay for long term care expenses is a critical part of Estate Planning. Many habitancy over 65 years of age have not purchased long term care insurance. For veterans and the surviving spouses of veterans who are living in an assisted living factory or nursing home or who need in-home care, financial help may be available.

Veterans Benefits Assisted Living

The Veterans management has an underused pension benefit ordinarily called Aid and Attendance. The Aid and Attendance program provides tax-free money to veterans who need assistance performing activities of daily living. Even veterans whose household wage is above the legal limit for a Va pension may qualify for the Aid and Attendance benefit, if they have a enough amount unreimbursed healing expenses, based on their household income.

Pensions Benefits For Veterans

The Veteran's Pension benefit may be ready to veterans age 65 or 100% disabled. definite criteria must be met, such as serving at least 90 days in active service, and at least one of those days was when the U.S. Was at war or in an lawful conflict. The veteran does not have to have assistance connected disabilities to qualify. Surviving spouses or dependents may also be eligible.

The Va permits accredited agents and accredited attorneys to counsel veterans who may be claimants for Va Pension benefits. All Pension claimants must meet an asset test and an wage test.

Asset test: The veteran, age 65, must have less than ,000 in countable household assets. As with the Medicaid rules, the primary residence, vehicle, burial plans, and term assurance are excluded.

Income test: The veteran's household wage is reduced by the unreimbursed healing expenses. The household income, less the unreimbursed healing expenses, must be less than the Maximum annual Pension Rate (Mapr).

The Mapr is ,396 annually for a veteran with a dependent, ,736 for a singular veteran; and ordinarily ,672 for a singular surviving spouse, with some exceptions. As a simplified example for illustration only: John, a veteran age 81, and Mary, his spouse age 80, have the following:

1) John and Mary have a combined group security wage of ,200 annually;

2) John has pension wage of ,000 annually;

3) Mary has an wage stream from an annuity ,600 annually;

4) Total household wage equals: ,800.

5) John pays ,800 a year for home condition care;

6) John and Mary pay ,304 a year for Medicare;

7) John and Mary pay ,200 for incontinence supplies; and

8) John and Mary pay $ 2,880 a year for supplemental insurance.

9) Total household unreimbursed healing expenses are ,184.00.

Total annual Household Income: $ 40,800.00

Less Total Household Unreimbursed healing Expense: 35,184.00

Subtotal 5,616.00

Mapr ,396.00

Less subtotal 5,616.00

Approximate Veteran Pension ,780.00

If you are curious in training for taking the Va Accreditation test, please visit my website:

look what I found Pensions Benefits For Veterans

Bob Dylan

#1. Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan

1. Crooning Bob, secret Muse

Bob Dylan

2. Masked & Anonymous

3. Robert Allen Zimmerman

4. Elston Gunn

5. A Star Is Born

6. A Legend Mends A Legend

7. Emergence

8. Bringing It All Back Home

9. Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid

10. Grammy Time

11. Pope On The Red Line

12. In Their Father's Footsteps?

13. Albums Of The Year

14. Hollywood Hit List

15. Jack Fate

16. Award Monger

17. The Missing Beatle?

"I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom." - Bob Dylan

1. Crooning Bob, secret Muse

Recently a Japanese writer named Junichi Saga was astonished and flattered to learn that passages from one of his books apparently found their way into a few of Bob Dylan's lyrics.
In Bob Dylan's 2001 song, "Floater", he croons - "My old man, he's like some feudal lord, got more lives than a cat." "I'm not quite as cool or forgiving as I sound" "Sometimes somebody wants you to give something up, and tears or not, it's too much to ask."

On page six of Junicihi Saga's book, "Confessions of a Yakuza", he writes - "My old man would sit there like a feudal lord." "I'm not as cool or forgiving as I might have sounded." Then on page 182, writes - "Tears or not, though, that was too much to ask."

The practitioner of Chinese medicine resounded that the revelation of Dylan calling upon his own work was surprising. This could be counted as a literary theft of sorts, but the author has stated he has no plans to sue. "Why would I sue? To take something that made habitancy colse to the world happy and try to exploit it for money - that's poverty.", stated Saga.
"This shows that habitancy in other countries can impart to the harsh realities of prewar Japan, which was a poor, struggling nation. I'm just happy somebody read my book and liked it.", said Saga. "My book hasn't even sold that well, and it's out of print in Japan." He further added he has estimated to have only made about ,475 from the publication.

A few weeks ago, Saga bought his first Bob Dylan Cd, "The Best of Bob Dylan".

2. Masked & Anonymous

Would you reach out a hand to save a drowning man if you opinion he might pull you in?

This is the tagline for Bob's latest film called, "Masked & Anonymous". In it, Bob plays, Jack Fate, a singer whose vocation has gone on a downward spiral and is forced to make a comeback to the execution stage for a benefit concert. For this film he was joined by some of Hollywood's hottest and brightest, all of which reportedly signed onto the film at scale rates. The cast includes: John Goodman, Jessica Lange, Luke Wilson, Jeff Bridges, Penelope Cruz, Reggie Lee, Angela Bassett, Steven Bauer, Larry Campbell, Bruce Dern, Alex Desert, Treva Etienne, Dan Frischman, Tony Garnier, Laura Elena Harring, Ed Harris, Shawn Michael Howard, Val Kilmer, Bruce Kirschbaum, Antonio David Lyons, Cheech Marin, Chris Penn, George Receli, Giovanni Ribisi, Mickey Rourke, Sam Sarpong, Charlie Sexton, Jon Sklaroff, Christian Slater and Fred Ward. On top of all of that, T-Shirt King friend, Keri Bruno, pulls 2nd Unit Directing duties on the talent heavy film.

The film hits theatres in a small Us publish on July 25th.

3. Robert Allen Zimmerman

At 5 foot six inches, Robert Allen Zimmerman might be a small man, but under the name Bob Dylan, he is a legendary giant of a musician.

4. Elston Gunn

Robert Allen Zimmerman was born May 24th 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota. His father, Abe, was employed by the appropriate Oil company there, but when Robert was six the family moved to Hibbing, Minnesota. The one riddling note about Hibbing is that is very often the coldest place in the United States. Yikes. Growing up there he taught himself piano and guitar and formed any high school rock bands. colse to this time he toyed with the stage name, "Elston Gunn".

5. A Star Is Born

By 1959, Robert entered the University of Minnesota and began performing under the name Bob Dylan at clubs in Minnesota and St. Paul.

6. A Legend Mends A Legend

In 1960 he traveled to New York to accomplish in discrete folk clubs throughout Greenwich Village. While in New York he spent time with his idol, Woody Guthrie at his hospital room.

7. Emergence

Late in 1961 he landed a contract with Columbia Records and the following year his debut album was released with two customary songs. A year after that, "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan" emerged with an all customary album, together with a song that became an anthem of the '60's - "Blowin' in the Wind".

8. Bringing It All Back Home

In February 1964 Dylan and a small group of friends drove south out of New York City and stopped in unannounced to see poet 'Carl Sandburg' in North Carolina. Disappointingly, Dylan left only 10 minutes after arriving when he realized he couldn't get the venerable man of letters to take him seriously as a fellow poet.

He popped folk-rock into the mainstream after touring with Joan Baez with his own flavor of electric/acoustic swagger, culminating with his hit song, "Bringing it all Back Home". Soon after the Byrd's turned his song "Mr. Tambourine Man" into other hit with their cover version of the preponderant tune.

9. Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid

Following a bicycle emergency in 1966 which took him out of the limelight until 1969. colse to that time, Sam Peckinpah asked him to develop the score and appear in his film, "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid". This would be the only the starting of a long and chronic relationship with Hollywood and filmmaking.

10. Grammy Time

In 1974, Bob Dylan and The Band hit the road to promote their first whole one album, "Planet Waves". The next year they had other chart-topper with the publish of, "Blood on the Tracks". He followed that with any Rolling Thunder tours, a film called, "Renaldo and Clara" and then stunned the music world with the publish of his fundamentalist Christian album, "Slow Train Coming". A song from this album garnered him his first Grammy.

11. Pope On The Red Line

In May 1997, he was stricken with histaplasmosis, a perhaps fatal infection of the heart sac, but recovered to take on a tour of Europe. He kicked off the trip by September, starting off in Rome by extra invite of the Pope.

12. In Their Father's Footsteps?

His son Jakob Dylan has made a good time semi-emulating his infamous father with his own band, The Wallflowers. However, his Jesse Dylan has taken a slightly altered route to stardom, opting for the glamour of Tinsletown. His first major directing gig is about to be released, "American Pie 3". Jesse also directed a film called, "How High" and appears with a extra thanks prestige on "The Matrix Revisited".

13. Albums Of The Year

He is truly legendary, his 1997 album, "Time Out of Mind" and his 2001 album "Love and Theft" were both voted Album of the Year by the village Voice's each year critics' poll. Seems like a no-brainer to us.

14. Hollywood Hit List

He has composed and recorded songs or had his recorded songs used in the following films:

Gods & Generals

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Vanilla Sky



Remember the Titans

High Fidelity

Wonder Boys

The Hurricane

American Beauty

Hope Floats

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

The Big Lebowski

Jerry Maguire

Breaking the Waves

With Honors


Band of the Hand

American Pop

Renaldo and Clara

Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid

15. Jack Fate

The small million dollar film, "Masked & Anonymous" was directed by veteran Tv comedy director, Larry Charles, who has also helmed shows for, "Mad About You", "Seinfeld" and "Curb Your Enthusiasm".

He appeared on the Tv show, "Dharma & Greg" playing himself. When he met Conan O'Brien at a new concert, Bob was quoted as saying, "I know you from the TeeVee."

16. Award Monger

He has received numerous awards of note, including: The Polar Music Prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in 2000, The Commandeur dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres from France in 1990, an honorary doctorate from Princeton University in 1970 and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by Bruce Springteen at New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel in 1988.

17. The Missing Beatle?

He appears on the sleeve of the Beatles' "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club".

At the preponderant "Johnny Cash at San Quentin" concert, Johnny Cash introduced a song he co-wrote with Dylan by describing his as "...the most writer of our times."

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Mortgage Refinancing Benefits

Veterans Benefits - Mortgage Refinancing Benefits The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Mortgage Refinancing Benefits. And the content related to Veterans Benefits.

Do you know about - Mortgage Refinancing Benefits

Veterans Benefits! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

If you own your own home, you know that your home is a prized possession and your many long term investment, but it is also your biggest debt. You can enhance your financial situation and lower your mortgage payments by managing this debt and using your home equity in a way that works for you. So when does it make sense to refinance your mortgage?

What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Veterans Benefits. You check out this article for home elevators a person wish to know is Veterans Benefits.

How is Mortgage Refinancing Benefits

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Benefits.

Reason for refinance:
You can lower your interest rate and monthly mortgage payment. You can convert from an adjustable mortgage to a fixed rate. You can shorten the mortgage term and build equity faster. You can combine your debt and lower your total payments. You can take out cash from your home's equity to use for other needs.A few things to check to see if it makes sense to refinance your mortgage:
Are current interest rates lower than what you have now? If so, a refinance may save you up to hundreds of dollars per month.. Are you in an adjustable rate mortgage (Arm)? Converting into a fixed rate is a way to insure you lock in to the security of knowing what your interest rate and cost will be going forward. Do you have a lot of other debts? If you have built up equity in your home, you can use this equity to pay off prestige cards and other debts and restructure your debt so you pay less for your bills every month. Consolidating your debts into a new mortgage can not only lower your interest rate and payment, but the mortgage is tax deductible. Do you want to pay your mortgage off faster? If rates are lower, you may be able to pay your loan off faster without paying much more per month than you do now.You can refinances into any type of loan. The loans offered are:

Conventional Wisconsin Mortgage Refinances - these are for both rate and term and cash/out refinancing up to the conforming loan limits.

Fha mortgage refinances offered are:

Fha rate and term - You can lower your interest rate and shorten the term of your mortgage. Fha allows you to refinance up to 96.5 % of the home's current value.

Fha Cash/out refinance - With this loan you can combine debts or withdraw cash for other uses up to 85% of the value of the home. Fha cash out can be of great help for many borrowers.

Fha Streamline refinance -Refinance into a lower cost with less documentation required.

Wisconsin Fha 203k - You can use this refinance to make improvements, remodel or heal your home The extra cost can be added to the mortgage amount.

Wisconsin Va mortgage refinances - This is used for active military and veterans (and their spouses, if they are married). One of the best mortgages available is the Va Irrl or Va streamline refinance, where you can refinance with refinance can be done with less documents and no appraisal. You can also do rate term and as cash/out Va refinancing.

Wisconsin Jumbo refinances - We have programs where you can refinance into lower rates no matter how big your loan may be.

Wisconsin Home Affordable Loan Programs - Getting a refinance can be a challenge if your home has lost value because of the real estate slump. But there are government mortgage programs specifically for home owners who have lost equity in their homes but could benefit from refinancing their mortgage. Your loan has to be owned by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae to qualify.

I hope you have new knowledge about Veterans Benefits. Where you possibly can put to easy use in your everyday life. And most importantly, your reaction is Veterans Benefits.Read more.. here are the findings Mortgage Refinancing Benefits. View Related articles associated with Veterans Benefits. I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Mortgage Refinancing Benefits.

Diabetes on the Rise!

The information in this piece, was taken from an report which appeared in the Albuquerque Journal (July, 2006), and was written by Lisa Roberts of the Orlando Sentinel. The report talks about the dangers of diabetes and what can be done to treat and forestall it. The newspaper report here has been quoted...I have paraphrased definite parts, and I have added my own two cents, etc.

* * *
One of the questions I all the time ask my doctor, when I go in to see the results of a corporal examination every if there is anything seriously wrong with the corporal like cancer; diabetes or another life-threatening disease! I can wait for all that other stuff in the healing report. When he says, "no, all is fine," I'm relieved, to say the least!

In the past, I have known two population who have died from diabetes. My Aunt Molly and the man who lived next door to my parents. Both of them met a similar they both became blind; both had a leg amputated, and both were in their early 50's when they passed away. (much too young!)

Before I got laid off from one of my jobs, I worked side by side with a fellow for over six years. He was overweight, and apparently didn't take enough care of the problem. One day, he went to the doctor for a check-up and he got the bad news...he had diabetes! I noticed the change of attitude right away. He became withdrawn; reserved; distant and he told me depression was beginning to set in. Because I like to be around population with a good sense of humor, I noticed that his sense of humor had changed as well...for the worse! (I can't blame him for that)

* * *

* Article: "If you don't know person with diabetes, there's a good opportunity you will someday. A up-to-date study found the occurrence of Type 2 diabetes has doubled over the last 30 years. another estimated that a third of U.S. Adults...more than 73 million...suffer diabetes or may be developing it. naturally put, it's an epidemic, and it's driven by sedentary lifestyle and obesity, the up swing of which closely parallels the increase of the disease, says Dr. Kimberley Bourne, a Orlando Fla., endocrinologist who treats diabetics."

* My two cents: In my article, "How I Lost 40 Pounds," the view of getting diabetes was one of my main concerns and motivators, as I fear getting any life-threatening disease! And, because diabetes affects mostly population who are overweight. I knew when I stepped off that scale in the doctor's office, that I was going to lose the 40 pounds, which was my goal. And, I didn't care how long it took...6 months...a year or longer! The Weight Was Going To Come Off!

* Article: "Diabetes is a disease in which the body doesn't produce properly, or ignores insulin. The hormone regulates the metabolism of blood glucose...sugar...which fuels our cells. When diabetes takes hold, glucose can build up in the body and coat blood vessels and nerves. Left untreated, the disease can cause an array of devastating maladies, together with blindness; cardiovascular disease; and kidney failure. When glucose interrupts impulses and blood flow to extremities, diabetics sometimes are unaware of things such as cuts, scrapes, and blisters, which may become infected. In severe cases, an amputation might be necessary."

* My Two Cents: The rehearsal for me consists of walking and jogging 10-15 miles a week in 1986, and in the year 2006, I still do my walking and jogging every week. I unmistakably didn't know very much about diabetes, until I read a few articles, and after I did, I knew I would stay with it for the rest of my life, as I hope I well be able to do so.

* Article: "Though the exact cause of diabetes hasn't been determined, research has repeatedly pointed the finger at Obesity as possibly the most risk of all. As weight increases, the pancreas pumps out more and more insulin to deal with increased blood sugar," says Dr. Bourne.

* My Two Cents: For me, rehearsal is so easy, and can be done practically any time or any place. For example; There are times when I watch a football game on television, and I don't necessarily like to watch the half-time activities. So, it's easy for me to go surface and run a mile or so, and then walk back to cool off. That takes about twenty minutes, and when I get back, it's time for the second half of the ballgame to start. I get to watch the ballgame and get a little rehearsal at the same time.

In 2005, I was hospitalized for over three months, and I would walk up and down the hallways daily to try to get some sort of exercise. I did it so much during the three months, that I can tell you just how many floor tiles are in Ward 5B and Ward 5C! (Isn't this exciting?) I pushed my little walker (beep-beep)...and, putt-putted my way around the hospital to get my exercise. But, I wasn't the only "crazy" person walking up and down the halls! several of the other veterans would walk up and down the halls as well, etc. So, getting rehearsal is easy, and can be done practically anywhere.

* Article: "Prevention and early rehabilitation of diabetes are predominant goals, says Mark Williams, Ceo of community health Centers Inc., which operates a network of Central Florida clinics and offers diabetes screening. 'As a community, diabetes is one of those diseases that screams 'treat me early' so we can avoid complications, because complications are so very expensive.'"

* My Two Cents: The walking and jogging I do, takes care of the lower body, and I've been "pumping aluminum," to take care of the upper body. When I went to the sports section of a branch store looking for the location of the dumb bells, I asked the clerk where the dumb bells were...and he just looked at Me!

* Article: "At the Florida Hospital Diabetes center in Orlando, diabetics are proving that eating well and working out can help control the disease. Gym members test their blood before and after their workouts, and the discrepancy they see in their blood sugar after exercising motivates them to keep on the move, says Paul Frickman, the center's rehearsal coordinator. It's not unusual to see blood sugar tumble from, say 140 to the norman range, which is in the middle of 70 and 100. The advantage of a workout lasts from 24 to 72 hours. another bonus: 'When you exercise, sugar goes into your body without the assistance of insulin,' he says, so a diabetic's belief on drugs may lessen."

*My Two Cents: I've never done rehearsal on a treadmill. I've all the time liked to go outdoors and "smell the roses," watch the sun rise and set on the horizon, and watch the leaves turn color, etc. We're becoming a country of concrete and asphalt , so I like to get a little dirt and grass under my feet once in a while.

* Article: "Talar Glover, a clinical nurse expert at the center, says today's super sized meal portions and fat-and-sugar laden foods, as well as a variety of collective conditions, are helping to fuel the disease. through many believe diabetes is about eating excess sugar, 'it's not about's about carbohydrates. They turn into sugar,' she says. That's why diets should be based on a equilibrium of meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy produces and whole grains."

Prescription For Diabetes: Diet And Exercise.

For over twenty years, exercising has been a way of life for me, and my health has been my top priority. I have to get out and get my "fix" every week of running and jogging! "Sweat therapy," has help me to sleep better; sacrifice the stress in my life; be more creative; clear the cob webs from my head; get more ideas; and solve problems too, etc.

And, I'll keep doing what I've been doing over the past twenty years...that is...walking, jogging, and "pumping aluminum." But, as I grow older, I have to make some changes. I will now have to start "pumping aluminum foil," instead!

my sources Diabetes on the Rise! my sources

Top Ten Medicaid Myths

--Disabled Veterans Benefits of Top Ten Medicaid Myths--

sell Top Ten Medicaid Myths

Medicaid is the nation's largest condition coverage program. The agenda was originally a welfare-based condition coverage program, but has come to be a condition assurance and long-term care agenda for those who are struggling financially and for habitancy with disabilities. Because of its complexity, there is a lot of misunderstanding about the Medicaid program.

Top Ten Medicaid Myths

Myth: Medicaid is obsolete.

Fact: Medicaid is an innovative agenda that has changed as the American condition care system has evolved. Straight through the waiver process, states experiment with benefit design, eligibility, and delivery systems. Currently, several states are experimenting with transitioning long-term care services to home based setting.

Myth: Medicaid is an inflexible program.

Fact: Medicaid has minimum federal standards, but states have flexibility to customize their Medicaid agenda beyond those minimum standards. In many ways, Medicaid operates like fifty private state coverage programs.

Myth: Medicaid spending is out of control.

Fact: The cost increase per enrollee for Medicaid is lower than comparable coverage under Medicare, private condition insurance, and employer-sponsored insurance. Medicaid costs continue to increase, but so do condition care costs across the board in the American condition system.

Myth: Medicaid provides "Ritz Carlton" coverage.

Fact: Medicaid has a unique role as a protection net for the weaknesses in our condition system. The populations served by the Medicaid agenda wish services that are not easily ready in typical condition assurance plans. Medicaid not only functions as an acute care plan for low-income families, but it is also the only alternative ready for many individuals with disabilities and low-income elderly who wish long-term care.

Myth: Medicaid covers too many habitancy and competes with private insurance.

Fact: The vast majority of the habitancy who are covered by Medicaid do not have entrance to other insurance. Many work for employers who do not offer coverage. Many are priced out of the private shop because of illness or disability. Studies of Medicaid have demonstrated that Medicaid as an alternative to private coverage is limited. Those who are newly enrolled into Medicaid were previously uninsured.

Myth: Medicaid is for habitancy who don't work.

Fact: Working families make up 65% of those who receive Medicaid coverage. For those who are not in the workforce, like habitancy with severe disabilities, Medicaid supplements cash assistance and makes ready important condition care coverage.

Myth: Medicaid foots the nursing home bill for affluent seniors.

Fact: Medicaid is only ready to the very poor or those with condition care expenses that have depleted their savings. The new Medicaid rules make it difficult to replacement assets to qualify for nursing home care. About three out of five nursing home residents are not on Medicaid at the time of their admission. Even when a person's assets are depleted, they still must apply their income towards the cost of care, except for a meager personal needs allowance.

Myth: Federal financing of Medicaid encourages wastefulness.

Fact: while hard economic times, more habitancy need Medicaid coverage and spending increases. But, unlike the federal government, most states are required to balance their budgets so they are hindered from over spending. States struggle to control Medicaid spending even as more habitancy are covered.

Myth: The Medicaid agenda is inefficient.

Fact: Medicaid has lower administrative costs per claims paid than private sector condition insurance. And, year in and year out, the per capita increase of Medicaid is about half the rate of increase found in private sector condition insurance.

Myth: Medicaid is a second rate program.

Fact: There is enormous evidence that Medicaid has improved entrance to primary and preventive condition care comparable to that of those with private insurance. In particular, Medicaid's inclusion of pregnant women and children has helped sacrifice baby mortality and acute condition conditions.

The rules and regulations concerning Medicaid are not only very complicated, but also work independently from, and often contrary to, tax laws, veterans benefit and estate planning. Just considering to private circumstances is critical. Don't go it alone. Call me at (203) 488-5586 to discuss definite situations to avoid manufacture an inadvertent mistake.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Magnetic Sponsoring Online - Is It Still Viable?

Veterans Benefits Network - Magnetic Sponsoring Online - Is It Still Viable? The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Magnetic Sponsoring Online - Is It Still Viable?. And the content associated with Veterans Benefits Network.

Do you know about - Magnetic Sponsoring Online - Is It Still Viable?

Veterans Benefits Network! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

How does "magnetic sponsoring online" work for new network marketers and those who are struggling?

What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Veterans Benefits Network. You check out this article for information about anyone wish to know is Veterans Benefits Network.

How is Magnetic Sponsoring Online - Is It Still Viable?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Benefits Network.

Magnetic Sponsoring online teaches how you can have habitancy banging on your door, rather than you banging on theirs. It shows you how to look for your target store rather than wasting your time with unqualified prospects and has the added bonus of you being able to make an added stream of income at the same time as generating more leads.

Mike Dillard is a well-respected name in the world of Network and Mlm marketing and he sets out to teach others how to build their own downlines on the internet using the Magnetic Sponsoring lead generation system.

If you are a stick in the mud, or unwilling to be taught new ways of doing things, then Magnetic Sponsoring is not for you! But if you are willing to learn a new system, specifically designed to work on the internet, you in effect should look at Magnetic Sponsoring.

Magnetic Sponsoring online is the numero uno of training programs in network marketing today - and it got to that position for good reason. If you want to be an Mlm prospector on the internet, you naturally have to take a look at the methods that Mike Dillard extols.

If you are a seasoned, traditional offline salesman, you should be looking at new online methods. Most habitancy go online to investigate whatever major they wish to purchase, that's why you should have an online proximity today, and the longer you leave it, the harder it will be. Get the ball rolling now, and when it comes to your retirement, you can stay home and look forward to an income that will take very puny on your part to maintain.

Veteran network offline marketers understand the opinion of attraction marketing very well, and Magnetic Sponsoring is naturally a theory for taking that opinion one step added for both lead generation and for sponsoring a downline. You are ahead of the game - many new network marketers have no clue about habitancy skills and these have to be applied online too, to be victorious in the network marketing business.

Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring online is an amazingly good deal for the price and does not bombard you with upsells and a monthly membership fee like a lot of other "guru" programs.

Mike practices what he preaches - to give back, and the fundamental idea that if you go out desperately looking for a sale you won't get one. If, on the other hand, you offer habitancy a explication to a problem, then you are much more likely to make a sale.

Both new and veteran network marketers can advantage from taking a look at Magnetic Sponsoring, it in effect is a good investment, especially when you are just beginning out - you will need systems and this program has them. This procedure teaches all from selecting the right domain name for your website to gift software that helps establish your marketing efforts.

Magnetic Sponsoring also shows you a way to make residual income while you are waiting for that avalanche of leads to come in.

But here's the challenge. When you are done studying the Ms facts you will be left know What to do, but still be holding an empty bag in regards to having the tools and systems needed to Do what you need to do.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Veterans Benefits Network. Where you possibly can offer use in your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is Veterans Benefits Network.Read more.. more tips here Magnetic Sponsoring Online - Is It Still Viable?. View Related articles related to Veterans Benefits Network. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Magnetic Sponsoring Online - Is It Still Viable?.